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Spoken Word artist, West Cumbrian accent.

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Emma McGordon - Queer Noise. December 2022

Amazing night performing for Queer Noise, London. A dark fairy tale poem featuring a wolf and a girl and a harbour wal.

Emma McGordon - Creative Future Writers' Award 2019

Poet and spoken-word artist Emma McGordon reads her piece 'Piss' at The Creative Future Writers' Award 2019, as part of the London Literature Festival at the Southbank Centre.

Endellion — excerpts from a poem by Emma McGordon

Filmmaker Rhiannon Tate collaborated on this film with spoken word poet Emma McGordon and composer David John Roche. Endellion was “produced as part of Endelienta‘s Artists in Residence 2017, held in St Endellion, North Cornwall,”

Love Letters - Emma McGordon - Muddy Feet live at Come Rhyme With Me

Emma McGordon takes to the Come Rhyme With Me stage and performs a poem that uses every word in the phonetic alphabet.

Landschaft feat. Emma McGordon - Into Nature

An anagram is a poem formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase. The anagram in this poetry film is based on a verse from Emma McGordons poem MAGNETIC: The tongue is a needle. And I am true North. Telling lies.

Sexing The Snake Final Edit Soundtrack

Spoken word featuring live snake. Emma McGordon.

Gutter Witch

Video poem inspired by living above a Pizza Shop in Whitehaven. Featuring Sarah Grace Horley.

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